Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Category Archives for "Web"

Aug 2022
Why Now is the Time to Start Preparing Your Holiday E-commerce Push

Your Holiday E-commerce It probably wouldn’t surprise you to know that the your holiday e-commerce push and online retailers are already putting the finishing touches on content strategies. And more for their holiday season business. What may come as a bit of a mild shock, however, is the news that your company should consider doing […]

Aug 2022
Is WordPress the Right CMS for Your Site?

Is WordPress the Right CMS If WordPress were a political party. I’m not sure we would even have to have elections anymore. As a tool for web designers and business owners. It has become increasingly popular in the last few years. To the point that a lot of small and mid-sized businesses consider it to […]

Aug 2022
Want to Dramatically Boost the Clicks on Your PPC Ads?

Clicks on Your PPC Ads When business owners and online marketers are looking for new ways to get more visitors from their pay-per-click ads. Or clicks on your PPC ads. They sometimes miss one of the oldest tactics in an advertiser’s book: to go completely against the grain. In other words, you can sometimes find […]

Aug 2022
Cultivate Strong Employee Recruiting

In the past, we have noted that more than 90% of all buyers will look at employee recruiting. The same is absolutely true for those who are considering new employment. The first thing to remember is that people want to know what it’s like to work for your business. And they’ll certainly do their homework before […]

Aug 2022
One Way to Avoid Making Huge Web Design and Marketing Mistakes

Huge Web Design Great web design and online marketing is as much about avoiding the big mistakes as it is making the right moves. Over the years, we have noticed that a lot of the biggest blunders business owners and managers make. Not to mention the most expensive ones – tend to stem from one […]

Aug 2022
The Good and Bad of WordPress

Good and Bad of WordPress WordPress is getting to be more popular as a platform for business websites all the time. And why not? Not only do WordPress sites look fantastic, but they are search engine-friendly, easy to update. And bring a host of other plug-ins and benefits for a fraction of what most business-based […]

Jul 2022
What Makes Your Online Store Different?

Your Online Store Different It’s ironic, but the growth of e-commerce has been both a good thing and a bad thing for online retailers. On the positive side, buyers are more comfortable than ever when it comes to looking for item. And ultimately buying them – over the Internet. And only if your online store […]

Jul 2022
Why One of the Biggest E-commerce Features is the Easiest to Miss

Biggest E-commerce Features If you own an online store. Then you probably already have lots of e-commerce web designers. Telling you about the importance of things like studying product photos, eye-catching design. And cutting-edge marketing tools for your biggest e-commerce features. There is no denying that these things matter and can make a big difference […]

Jul 2022
The New Number One Rule In Marketing

Number One Rule In Marketing It used to be that the thing companies of all sizes worried about most when it came to their marketing was effectiveness. If you weren’t reaching new customers and giving them a compelling reason to do business with you. Nothing else was important. This is the number one rule in […]

Jul 2022
How Long Should an E-Mail Newsletter be?

E-Mail Newsletter If you aren’t already using regular e-mail newsletters and updates to keep in touch with your customers. Then your marketing effort probably isn’t as strong as it could be. But putting together a successful newsletter campaign isn’t always as simple as it sounds. Especially when you start thinking about the logistics, like the […]


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2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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