Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Aug 2022
Why Now is the Time to Start Preparing Your Holiday E-commerce Push

Your Holiday E-commerceYour Holiday E-commerce

It probably wouldn’t surprise you to know that the your holiday e-commerce push and online retailers are already putting the finishing touches on content strategies. And more for their holiday season business. What may come as a bit of a mild shock, however, is the news that your company should consider doing the same.

Why would a smaller business – one without billions of sales and a huge marketing department. Be thinking about online holiday shopping during the warmer parts of the year? Here are three good reasons:

1. It’s time to start building your list.

No, we aren’t talking about your holiday shopping list, but your e-mail marketing list. The more potential customers you have on it now. The bigger return you’ll be able to see from your November and December mailings later.

2. December is a bad time to have an issue with your e-commerce site.

The last thing you want is to lose orders when they’re coming in the fastest. That’s why you should begin working on your holiday pages now and have them tested to remove any bugs or issues.

3. It can be hard to get holiday e-commerce help when you need it.

Every year, we have clients come to us with last-minute requests at the end of the year. We do our best to accommodate all of them. But realize that it’s a busy season for those of us in the web design business. By taking care of things now, you can beat the rush later.

Need help getting your business and website prepared for this year’s holiday season? Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


Need more information about who we are, what we do or maybe even our favorite restaurant? We’re here to chat. Tell us about your company and how business is going. Feel free to call, send an email, Tweet or simply complete the contact form. We love hearing about exciting new ideas!

2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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