Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226


Launching a new business website is a big deal. But it's not necessarily enough to create a real and sustained improvement to your bottom line. To improve sales you need to draw customers to your pages and get them to take action. We call online lead generation, and it's the key to unlocking prolonged business growth via the internet.

Begin With Your New Website

Naturally, your website is the hub of your online lead generation activity. It needs to look great and have clean, compelling messaging that tells visitors exactly what you do. That’s important because you can’t get leads without credibility. You want someone coming to your site for the first time to be impressed and eager to do business with you.

For Lead Generation We Use Inbound and Outbound Marketing

The first thing to remember is that lead generation can take a lot of forms. In some cases it might mean inquiries that come in your inbox. In other instances you might receive phone calls, or even schedule meetings through an online app. For that reason any of these outcomes can be positive, but none of them become possible until potential buyers find you in the first place.

Next that’s where inbound and outbound marketing come in. Inbound strategies are those that cause warm leads to come to you. With this in mind they can include SEO and blogging, creating online videos, or generating referrals to social media. Outbound strategies. On the other hand, are the ones you use to stop a prospect and get their attention. Good examples are online ads, billboards, and telemarketing calls made by sales reps.

Inbound Marketing Strategies

  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  Content and Video Marketing
  Online and Offline Referrals
  PR and Trade Publications
  Speaking Engagements

Outbound Marketing Strategies

  Paid Digital Ads
  Billboards and Printed Ads
  Cold Calls
  Direct Mail or Flyers
  Handing Out Flyers

Obviously it’s easy to get caught up in thinking about the lines between inbound and outbound marketing, or which one is better. However, the answer is going to depend a great deal on your target market, resources, and expertise. What matters more is that you have workable strategies to bring in web visitors. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Just  find affordable and effective ways to let buyers meet you.

How to Turn Website Visitors Into Leads and Customers

Equally it’s relatively easy to understand why you need to attract website visitors to generate online leads. What some business owners miss, however, is that the next steps don’t happen automatically. Simply pulling visitors to your website isn’t enough to ensure you’ll get more revenue. For that you need a way to actually inspire prospects to take action.

Successful marketers can do this in a number of ways, but each of them involves offering something of value to web visitors. What could you give them to take the next step? The possibilities are virtually endless.

You have undoubtedly seen offers like these (and others) all across the web. Further they are put in place because they work. When users are visiting a business website looking for products or services, sometimes they need a bit of an extra nudge to convince to make a decision. A small freebie or incentive can be the perfect motivational tool.

Never assume that lead generation is going to happen automatically or by accident. Set up your website in a way that encourages visitors to start a relationship with your company, even if it’s a small one in the beginning.

It’s All About Building a Stronger Business

Finally we are only scratching the surface of online lead generation on this page. However there are only two points you need to take away. The first is that it’s not enough to simply “have a website.” On the whole to justify the expense, and to grow your business. You need to generate inquiries, phone calls, or appointments. Overall you have to use your website to create sales opportunities or you’ll never see a return on your investment.

The second takeaway is that this entire process gets much easier if you have the right creative and marketing partner on your side. That’s where the team at Marcy Design comes in. Marcy Design is a creative website development company specializing in web design, marketing, advertising and social media. Our success is created on your business growth, so let us help you get started with online lead generation today!

lead generation


  A free Ebook or information product

  Sample products or service demos

  Customized consultations or advice

  Free trial memberships

  Live courses and events

  Discount codes or instant savings

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Need more information about who we are, what we do or maybe even our favorite restaurant? We’re here to chat. Tell us about your company and how business is going. Feel free to call, send an email, Tweet or simply complete the contact form. We love hearing about exciting new ideas!

2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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