Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Category Archives for "Marketing"

Feb 2024
What Is SEO and Why Is It Important?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a key component of any successful website. It involves optimizing your website to improve its visibility in search engine results. In simple terms, SEO is the practice of making changes to your website in order to improve its ranking on search engine results pages. By optimizing your website, you […]

Dec 2023
How to Build the Ultimate Business Website PPC Campaign

In contrast to Google’s algorithm, which is undergoing huge changes that are affecting SEO in unexpected ways. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) remains consistent. You choose an audience, write a set of ads, and decide how much you’re willing to pay per click.

Nov 2023
How to Build the Ultimate Business Website SEO Optimization

Ever since the first handful of marketers figured out that you could bring hundreds or thousands of customers to a website every day by mastering search engine optimization (SEO). Businesses have been looking for new ways to improve their visibility on search sites.

Nov 2023
Gearing Up Your Online Store for the Holidays

It isn’t just shopping mall retailers who love the holidays. There are thousands of online stores selling everything from toys to fishing equipment that see a huge spike in new orders when December comes around. Take care of your online store for the Holidays.

Nov 2023
Could You Use Kickstarter to Build Stronger Marketing Campaigns?

Sites like Kickstarter, which focus on “crowdfunding” to get new projects and ventures moving, combine the ease of social media with startup capital on a small scale. In short, they allow people to contribute money to projects they want to see take off, one little bit at a time. With a stronger marketing campaign.

Nov 2023
4 Internet Marketing Tools Online Stores Need To Make The Most Of

There really aren’t any unimportant aspects to successful e-commerce business, especially when it comes to Internet marketing tools. However, some tools and techniques are more important than others. Here are four things every online store owner should make the most of:

Oct 2023
The Three Ways to Think About Pricing Mobile Apps

Pricing Mobile Apps If you are a smart phone user, you might be mystified at the range of pricing for mobile apps. Many of which seem to do essentially the same thing. While some are available for a dollar or less, others can cost you a dozen times as much. That leads to small decisions […]

Oct 2023
How do You Decide Where to Start With Internet Marketing?

Start With Internet Marketing Whether you are trying to grow the scope of your Internet marketing plan, or start promoting your company over the Internet for the first time, you might be wondering where to start. With so many ideas, tactics, and strategies to choose from, how can you ever even know where to begin? […]

Oct 2023
Should You Make Your Current Business Website Responsive?

Business Website Responsive As we’ve noted in some recent articles, there are a lot of things for businesses to love about responsive websites. So, does that mean you should call us today to look into converting your current website to a responsive design, or stop development on a dedicated mobile version of your business website […]

Oct 2023
Is a Responsive Website Better Than a Dedicated Mobile Website?

Responsive Website Better When new clients first hear about responsive websites for the first time, they often want to know if they represent a better option than dedicated mobile websites do. In this case, as with a lot of things in web design, it isn’t necessarily about one choice being “better” than the other, but […]


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2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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