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Category Archives for "Advertising"

Aug 2023
One Thing Every New Business Badly Needs

Every New Business To be fair, there are actually lots of things brand-new businesses need, as any entrepreneur can tell you. From our perspective as an experienced creative team, however, one thing that stands out is a clear marketing identity. Most new companies don’t have one, and it’s very difficult to be profitable without it. […]

Aug 2023
Avoid the 3 Biggest Startup Marketing Mistakes

Startup Marketing Mistakes Let’s face it: It isn’t easy to get a brand-new company up and running, and it certainly isn’t easy to get the buying public to take notice. But, the process of launching your new business and marketing it profitably gets a lot easier if you avoid the three most common startup marketing […]

Aug 2023
The #1 Internet Marketing Challenge (and the Simple Answer)

Internet Marketing Challenge The toughest part of online marketing – and probably any marketing, if you think about it – is that you can usually separate what works and what doesn’t, but finding the why isn’t easy. In other words, people don’t stop to tell you why they’ve clicked away from your website, unsubscribed from […]

Aug 2023
What is Your Brand Really Worth?

Your Brand Worth Brands are interesting things. When they are well established, they can tell buyers in an instant what your business is all about. And that they can trust you to deliver on your promises. When they are vague, however, or constantly shifting from one campaign to the next, they can be confusing or […]

Aug 2023
The Biggest Reason Search Engines Still Matter

Search Engines Still Matter Despite the fact that Google alone is processing more than 1 billion search queries per day, marketers generally don’t talk about search engines as much as they used to. For one thing, search engine optimization isn’t as new and exciting as mobile marketing or social media are; and for another, people […]

Aug 2023
Why Smart Marketers Always Plan Ahead

Smart Marketers As hard as it might be to remember now, there was a time when Google was nothing more than a vague idea on a research paper. Going farther back, you could look to the time when Coca-Cola was a small company, or when railroads – or even horses – were the main tool […]

Aug 2023
An Unexpected Way the Right Internet Marketing Company Can Help You

Internet Marketing Company When most business owners and executives go looking for a business web design firm. It’s because they want better or stronger Internet marketing results from an Internet marketing company. But, what happens after you’ve already gotten them? Although this can be filed under the category of “good problems to have,” we have […]

Aug 2023
The Downside to Updating Your Own Website

Updating Your Own Website Until very recently, updating your own business website meant one of two things: either learning complicated HTML code, or making a call to your design team. Both approaches had expenses (of time or money) that made frequent changes and updates tough on the bottom line, and as a result, lots of […]

Aug 2023
One Tip For Switching Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agencies As an experienced, proven design and marketing partner, we often hear from companies who want to change agencies. Typically, it’s because they either don’t like the tone of their current messaging, or have found that they weren’t able to get the right results from working with a different firm. That’s understandable, but many […]

Aug 2023
How to Increase Sales Without a Bigger Marketing Plan

How to Increase Sales When it comes to advertising and marketing, people tend to think that “more” always has to mean “bigger.” In other words, if you want increase sales, then you must need a bigger budget or more customers… right? That doesn’t always hold true. In fact, there is one way you can sometimes […]


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347 S Gould Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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