Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Aug 2023
The Biggest Reason Search Engines Still Matter

The Biggest Reason Search Engines Still MatterSearch Engines Still Matter

Despite the fact that Google alone is processing more than 1 billion search queries per day, marketers generally don’t talk about search engines as much as they used to. For one thing, search engine optimization isn’t as new and exciting as mobile marketing or social media are; and for another, people tend to hold onto the idea that SEO is a science that’s all figured out.

That’s certainly not the case – the best ways to attract visitors from Google, Yahoo, and Bing are always changing. But even more important to remember, though, is that search engines still matter every bit as much as they ever did, and maybe even more. That’s because, even though the basic concepts might not be as new as they once were, much of the Internet is.

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To put things a different way, the sheer volume of information, and new pages, being posted to the web on a daily basis is truly staggering. In fact, there is so much new “stuff” that no person could absorb a small fraction of it, even if they confine their attention to one small topic or industry.

For that reason, people are still going to rely on search engines as a starting point for their inquiries for many, many years to come. That’s particularly true for topics where they don’t have a lot of prior knowledge and can’t look for recommendations via social media sites.

Search engines, and search engine optimization, aren’t likely to be going away any time soon. So, even if it isn’t as exciting to talk about as it once was, that doesn’t mean it’s any less important.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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