Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Sep 2022
The Hidden Marketing Message You Can Use Profitably

Marketing MessageMarketing Message

Looking for an easy way to get a marketing message edge over your competitors? Then here is an easy tip. Instead of focusing on what buyers really like, find out what it is they really hate. And then show them that you don’t like it, either.

This sounds too simple to work, but it can be surprisingly effective (providing that what customers hate isn’t you or your company). For a long time, businesses have made a point of showing their opposition to things like racism, cancer, and other public causes. Showing in the process that they aren’t just responsible citizens. But that they have interests that are aligned with their customers’.

You can do the same, or you can follow a more lighthearted track. And follow the crowd in putting down a rival sports team, an unpopular tax, or even parts of pop culture that your buyers don’t appreciate.

To see a good example, look at what this record store did, posting a public list of bands whose CDs they wouldn’t trade. They took something that was a minor business decision and used it to tap into their customers’ interests (or in this case, their anti-interests).

The biggest and most effective parts of marketing typically come down to having buyers relate to you. And showing that you dislike the same things is a surprisingly easy way to do just that. Don’t go overboard, but give it a try and see if you can’t generate the results you’re looking for.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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347 S Gould Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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