Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Jan 2023
Should You be a Marketing Leader… or a Market Follower?

Marketing LeaderMarketing Leader

When it comes to your marketing messages, should you be a marketing leader in your industry, telling customers what you think they need to know. Or a follower who gives them the features and benefits you think they want to hear about?

The difference is subtle, but it can sometimes be important. Especially if you work in any kind of business where cutting-edge products and ideas are the norm. In fact, we see this from time to time in business web design and marketing services;. What new clients ask about doesn’t always include something that’s new or exciting.

So, should you lead or follow in that situation?

Really, it’s all about striking a balance. Of course, there are going to be some times when you’re going to want to be the first to explain an interesting idea or product to your customers. Other times, however, it’s better to introduce these things later in the sales cycle. In fact, your best strategy is usually to talk about the benefits of the new idea, product, or service in your marketing materials. And then get into specifics later.

It’s easy to want to be the leader in everything you do, and that’s generally a good idea. When it comes to attracting customers, though, give them the benefits they want first, and worry about the details as you explain it to them later.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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