Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Jun 2022
A Great Way to Use YouTube for Video Marketing

YouTube for Video MarketingYouTube for Video Marketing

By now, you’ve probably already heard dozens of times that YouTube is currently showing more than 2 billion clips per day. And that uploading your own online marketing videos is a great way to attract more attention from potential customers. Use YouTube for video marketing.

That’s certainly true, and something you shouldn’t lose sight of. Still, there is another great way to use YouTube for video marketing, and one that often gets overlooked. To “road test” new TV spots before you pay for airtime.

Think about it this way. Uploading a video to YouTube – and getting feedback from your customers – costs nearly nothing. While airtime on any kind of television outlet is going to put a big dent in your marketing budget. So, if you have some lead time before your spots need to run. Why not consider testing a few ideas out on YouTube and seeing which ones create interest?

Creativity is one of the most important parts of the marketing process. But a little bit of testing can help you identify which ideas are going to be winners before you start writing bigger checks. With that in mind, why not get the most out of YouTube and video marketing by testing your ad clips first?

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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(614) 224-6226

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