Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Nov 2021
What Matters Most When You Build a Facebook Page for Your Business?

Building Facebook PagesBuilding Facebook Pages

If you scour the Internet, you’ll find a lot of advice on what the most important parts of building Facebook pages should look like. Some experts will tell you it’s all about the logo, or company photos; others will point to your slogan, quotes from satisfied customers, or even updates about pricing.

These are all relevant, but we feel like they sort of miss the point of it. That’s because, when it comes down to it, every business and industry are different. And for that matter, every customer is different, too. So how can anyone piece of advice cover what it takes to reach all of them effectively?

It can’t, so there isn’t a whole lot of use in trying. What really matters about your company’s Facebook page isn’t that it show off a certain color or mention a specific phrase — it’s that it’s interesting, informative, and makes your business seem like a reputable partner.

That might sound like it’s oversimplifying the issue, but at the end of the day, a Facebook page isn’t very likely to be your first or only marketing avenue. Instead, it’s going to be a place where potential customers are going to stop by to see what you are all about, and what other people’s experiences have been like. They just need to see that you can be trusted to do (or deliver) what you say you will.

Facebook, like all social media sites, is constantly changing, and so the best strategies for marketing through it are going to keep changing too. If you want to attract customers, however, just concentrate on being interesting, informative, and trustworthy.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your web, marketing and advertising campaigns.


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Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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