Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Dec 2022
Two Great Pieces of Marketing Advice for Startups

Marketing AdviceMarketing Advice

Startup companies face unique marketing challenges. That’s because they don’t just have to do the usual job of convincing potential customers to enter the sales process. But also have to inform buyers about the existence of their company at the same time and often with limited resources. Here’s our marketing advice.

How can they make this process a little bit easier and more efficient? Here are two great pieces of advice to get you started:

1. Go with proven methods and ideas. One common mistake startups make is thinking that, just because they are reinventing a product or service, they should reinvent the marketing process as well. Nine times out of ten, you are better off using proven methods and techniques with a reliable return on investment. Once the sales and accounts are coming in, you get more creative.

2. Use clear marketing messages. In the same way, lots of startups (and small companies in general) like to distinguish themselves by being clever and abstract in their advertising. That can certainly work, but it’s not necessarily the best idea when you’re trying to form an initial solid impression of who you are and what you do.

Are you with a startup company that’s looking for a proven marketing partner? If so, call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


Need more information about who we are, what we do or maybe even our favorite restaurant? We’re here to chat. Tell us about your company and how business is going. Feel free to call, send an email, Tweet or simply complete the contact form. We love hearing about exciting new ideas!

2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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