Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

May 2022
The Lesson From Boomerang Apps

Boomerang AppsBoomerang Apps

Last week, smart phone industry observers noted that a new app – one called “Boomerang,” that helps users to sort out, schedule, and even re-send e-mails to themselves – had topped 1 million downloads. Although this was only a quick side note in the busy world of mobile computing. It’s a piece of news that carries some interesting implications for online marketers.

That’s because, first and foremost, it’s confirmation of something we all know already. That we get too much e-mail to keep up with. That’s just a part of modern life, and it’s something that we’re all learning to deal with.

As a busy marketer or business owner, it’s important you have a system for dealing with your own inbox. Re-sending important messages to yourself might help. But there’s also the chance that it will just create more clutter. More important is that you don’t add to the pile unnecessarily for your customers. In other words, that you not send out so many e-mails. Or at least not so many that don’t have any real value – that they get sick of hearing from you.

Our inboxes are stuffed like never before, and that can be an even bigger problem for your online marketing efforts than it is for your schedule. Make sure, the next time you’re about to hit “send,” that your message is worth the time to the person on the other end of your e-mail.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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347 S Gould Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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