Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Nov 2018
Social Networking Is the New Wave of Online Marketing

Social Network Marketing

Got Myspace? Indeed, who would have ever thought that a website that aims to connect people will be such a hit, with millions of members from all over the world? What’s more, this is not the only one—there are plenty of them. In fact, Facebook is coming in close to Myspace in terms of market share.

Business wise, though, this only means one thing: you have a huge potential market in social networking websites. Making your marketing ploys a lot easier is the fact that there are several built-in applications that you can use to promote your products and services. To give you an idea, read below:

1. You have the blog. Admit it, people will always be hungry of information, whether it is about the weather, social issues, your business, or even about the life that you live. Your entries can be read by your friends, and if it is good, they can even be passed on from one person to another. Simply put, a blog can offer you a very effective free publicity.

2. You can set up groups. Would you like to have a very good idea about the size of your target market? Try to set up an online group right at your chosen social networking website. In here, only those who have interest in what you are offering would definitely like to join. You cannot really expect many, but you know that they will be ones that are the easiest to convince. You can update them about your business, share more information, or invite them to your mailing list, which then allows you to promote your products through their e-mail.

3. You can build up your authoritative character. Why are there some ridiculous products that still get sold every day? Well, it only proves that in business, it is not really what you have per se but how you are able to present them to your market. There are a number of social networking websites that have message boards that you can participate in. If you can just check on them, there could be some questions that you are relevant to your chosen niche. You can share your knowledge and expertise to others, thereby increasing your reputation as an authority in your own field. When there is trust, there is no way that you will not be able to persuade them to accept your business and make it part of their lives.

4. They are free. When you’re in e-business, social networking websites give you an opportunity to save yourself hundreds of dollars in advertising costs and yet be able to reach out as many people as possible. Most of these social networking websites, if not all of them, are completely free. All you need to do is to sign up.

5. You can choose your friends. If you’re using social networking sites to gain contacts, you might as well choose your friends. Fortunately, you can narrow them down by using the Advanced Search option. You can identify the profiles of your potential market.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your web, marketing and advertising campaigns.


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Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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