Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Oct 2022
Is There a Point to Your Business Blog?

Your Business Blog

If you look around the business websites in most industries. You’ll notice two things fairly quickly. That most will have some sort of business blog, and that not all blogs are created equal. Your business blog is still important.

In other words, for all the search engine optimization and online marketing benefits that come with blogging. Many blogs simply don’t have a point. They exist on a site, but do little or nothing to advance the company’s real marketing objectives.

To help you ensure that yours doesn’t fall into the same category. Here are a few quick tips for business blogging with the right kinds of results in mind:

1. Make sure your business blog has a theme. For most businesses, this will be the industry they work in, or the competitive strengths of their product. What you want to avoid, though, are off-topic discussions that turn readers away.

2. Post consistently to your business blog. Set aside some time (or a copywriter’s time) to add at least one post a week. That will keep your blog current, and help you attract more readers.

3. Include a quick summary or call to action at the end of each post. Be sure to help readers understand your point, or guide them to the next step. This is often the key to turning readers into customers.

If you need help getting more from your blog and other online marketing tools, call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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