Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Oct 2022
How to Replace Newspaper Advertising, Part One

Newspaper AdvertisingNewspaper Advertising

Businesses of all sizes that once relied on newspaper advertising to find new customers are now facing themselves in a quandary. As more and more daily papers are shutting down – or at least trimming back. How do they replace those advertising and promotional avenues?

Here are two things you can try right away:

Issue a press release. Instead of sending outright advertisement out into the world. Why not try a press release? These days, they aren’t just for media professionals, but also webmasters, bloggers, and others. Who might either “reprint” your press release online, or write a follow-up piece about your company’s news. Either way, it’s free publicity (and good search engine optimization content) that might get more mileage than an ad would have had.

Write the news yourself. In the same way, you can often get more of the public’s attention by writing informative articles. And e-books than you would trying to attract viewers with an ad. If you have something interesting to say. Or a piece of information that would be valuable to your customers. Try sharing your knowledge and seeing if that helps generate sales and inquiries.

Are you looking for a new direction in your marketing, branding, and promotional campaigns? If so, call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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347 S Gould Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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