Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Nov 2022
How Search Engine Rankings are Like College Football Polls

Search Engine RankingsSearch Engine Rankings

As a Columbus, Ohio, business web design and Internet marketing team, we aren’t any strangers to the excitement that always surrounds college football. In fact, we know a number of people who spend their weekends working unpaid as armchair college football analysts. Devoting as much of their mental energy to the game as we do to websites. In fact we spend as much time dedicated to search engine rankings.

One of the topics that fascinates college football followers to no end is the subject of polls and rankings. Week after week, coaches, members of the media. And even computer programs try to rank different teams based on hundreds of different factors, ranging from the obvious to the obscure.

Despite their best analyses and predictions, however, the numbers never work out perfectly. That is, a number seven team might be a number five team on any given weekend.

In some ways, that’s a great analogy for the way search engine optimization works. Although business owners and executives tend to assume that a higher ranking on Google. For example, will lead to more leads and sales, that isn’t always the case. It usually helps, but ultimately it’s up to real-life customers to decide whether to complete a purchase, pick up the phone, or take the next step.

And once they are in the process of making that decision, where they found you on Google is utterly unimportant. They can very easily skip over the first four search results and buy from the fifth.

Remember that search rankings are about visibility and traffic, but strong messaging and web design make an impact in sales. That way, you won’t be tempted to overestimate the value of your own search ranking or take buyers for granted.

For more help managing your marketing campaigns and improving the bottom line, call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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