Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Jul 2022
How Long Should an E-Mail Newsletter be?

E-Mail NewsletterE-Mail Newsletter

If you aren’t already using regular e-mail newsletters and updates to keep in touch with your customers. Then your marketing effort probably isn’t as strong as it could be. But putting together a successful newsletter campaign isn’t always as simple as it sounds. Especially when you start thinking about the logistics, like the length and timing of your messages.

There isn’t any single guideline that would apply equally well to every industry and company. Of course, but here are a couple rules of thumb that could serve you well. Don’t e-mail customers more often than every three weeks, and keep your messages to 400 words or less.

As we mentioned, there is a bit of flexibility with these on both directions. If your company sells simple products and you have a really fun, short e-mail newsletter. You might be able to get away with sending a 150-word note every two weeks without annoying buyers. In general, however, the longer updates should go on your business website. And more frequent posts belong in social media.

Your customers have to protect their inboxes, especially in this day and age. Where we are virtually bombarded with marketing from every angle. So, do them a favor while helping your marketing campaign at the same time, and don’t get in touch with them too often. Or send them newsletters that take too long to read.

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your webmarketing and advertising campaigns.


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2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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