Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Sep 2021
7 Reasons Twitter Should be a Big Part of Your Online Marketing Effort

Online Marketing EffortOnline Marketing Effort

Even as Twitter closes in on 200 million members, and tweets are becoming an increasingly-popular way to spread breaking news and opinions, there are still quite a few businesses out there who haven’t seen the light. If your company isn’t taking advantage of one of the most important Internet marketing tools to come around in a long time, then why not?

Here are seven reasons Twitter should be a centerpiece of your company’s social networking plan:

It’s quick. How long can it really take to set up a profile and write 140 characters or less every day? The answer is not long enough for you to put it off another month.

It’s easier to market from Twitter than it is Facebook. Twitter’s messaging format lends itself well to marketing, especially compared to a site like Facebook. There’s a reason so many celebrities like to tweak their ads and recommendations… it’s a good forum for quick offer.

Tweets can easily go viral. The developers at Twitter have made it a snap to re-tweet something, pass on a post, or even add tweets to a website. Write something interesting or compelling enough, and you can be sure it will go far.

Using Twitter is good for the rest of your online marketing plan, too. You can use tweets to drive traffic to your website, point customers at your other social profiles, and even help your search engine rankings. In that way, it can be a real boost to the rest of your online marketing.

It’s more convenient than email. Once you’ve built up a following of clients, colleagues, and prospects, sending a tweet is much easier than putting together a mass e-mail — and is less likely to bother the other people on your list.

You can get instant feedback. Unlike a lot of other forms of marketing, tweets can start an instant conversation. Sometimes, that feedback can help you refine your message in our hurry.

It’s lots of fun. Even if these other points weren’t true, using Twitter would still be fun — for you, and your customers. Shouldn’t that be reason enough to try it for a few minutes?

Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your web, marketing and advertising campaigns.


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Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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